While working on this calendar I developed working names for my chosen photographs. I don’t tend to reveal them because they can be quite silly, but this one I call ‘Lines’. An apt title I think because it looks like a pencil drawing. The Burujon Ravines are all hard lines and jagged edges. And in the harsh midday light (which I think works here) those hard edges are even more pronounced.
The Ravines (which are part of a nature preserve in central Spain) are about a 45 minute drive from Toledo. Like most places I visit, I decided I wanted to see the place the night before, after a bit of googling. The drive was interesting, as the ravines are not particularly well marked. After passing a restaurant where we asked for directions (my travel buddy Ben speaks fluent Spanish) we found a parking lot and started walking. We still weren’t sure we were in the right place until we crested a hill after a bit of a hike and the Burujon Ravines stretched before us in all of their glory.
Pockmarked up and down the trail are viewpoints surrounded by wooden fencing. While resisting the urge to break some rules, we took the location in. I spent a lot of time looking for foreground elements to add some dimensionality to the shot. I eventually settled on just using a long lens to capture the wonderful detail of these gigantic rock bastions.